The Importance of a Thyroid

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front lower part of the throat. This gland directly impacts the body’s ability to regulate metabolism, growth, development, body temperature, and mood. During infancy, this gland is essential in brain development.


When did Thyroid Awareness Start?

One of the first nationally recognized thyroid awareness campaigns was World Thyroid Day, which was led by the European Thyroid Association led in 2008. The following year it was extended to a campaign called International Thyroid Awareness Week from May 25th to 31th which has now developed into a month-long initiative.


The Thyroid and Your Mood

According to the American Thyroid Association, over 20 million Americans have thyroid disease. The two significant diseases directly linked to mood regulation are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism include depression, fatigue, forgetfulness, weight gain, and an intolerance to cold temperatures.
On the other end, hyperthyroid symptoms include anxiety, extreme weight loss, goiters, muscle weakness, vision problems, and intolerance to hot temperatures.


Managing Thyroid Disorders That Impact Your Mood

The first step in dealing with a thyroid disorder or disease is to have your primary care physician run tests to see the overall impact on your body. Once you have been provided with a medical management plan, it will be beneficial to adjust your daily lifestyle. Having a balanced diet and workout routine will help manage physical and psychological symptoms that may occur. Lastly, if you are experiencing chronic depression and anxiety symptoms, establishing regular sessions with a clinical psychologist will help support your emotional management.


If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness or need help coping with your emotions, Rivers of Hope Counseling LLC has a team of licensed professionals ready to help you on your mental health journey today.

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